Friday, March 28, 2008

It's Friday

The sun has been shiny last few days! Makes you feel full of love ! Spring is coming...snow is melting the ground in my yard is showing through!

As my health goes down the toilet...Spring is a welcomed friend!

Tonight I'm making a dish I love to one pot meals...throw in several things I like to eat, is healthy to eat, and goes good together seperately so Why not in one pot? Plus its a time saver! LOL

Chicken breasts, yams, green beans, bussel sprouts, and onions and sweet peppers. I also added about 1/4 Volka. LOL don't worry it cooks down and leaves a mild favor.

Had to also buy a new mouse! The other one the poor little ball was all worn down. A ballless mouse is a sad thing to see New mouse has no ball. And works like a Charm!

Okay off to enjoy more of the sunshine! Have a wonderful weekend!

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