Tuesday, February 26, 2008

They're Back!

Ha - made you look didn't I!

Well remember me saying lower region area hurt? Got to spent 5 days in hospital. Yikes! But I am better now although my diet will change in the future LOL! No more things with seeds in them...yep Diverticulitis.

At the Hospital on Saturday Nite was the official kickoff for Fur Rondy! My room was on the 5th floor looking towards downtown and the Fireworks display was totally awesome!!! So maybe someone had their hand in my illness so I could get the best seat in the house for the fireworks.

I was also just a short distance from the hospitals helicopter pad for delivering hurt, sick, and accident victims. So every day and nite it was exciting to see the medical team run out, jump into the helicopter, take off and then return with a passenger - got to see all this from my hospital room! Help to pass my days of just laying around.

Got a couple of new handbags made before I left for my little side trip LOL and some cards that I will be posting for sale!

Bless you all for reading my blog and remember if you have questions or comments just post them!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Anyone Notice the change?

Two days ago I changed the look of the blog site. Did you all notice it? The pink was a bit nerve racking...I'm not a girly girl LOL. Plus I really like my products on the left seems to draw you eye there better. But maybe that just me since I'm a left brainer person.

A few weeks ago sent a friend a yard of the fabric I had highlited here...she loves it! The funny thing is she said she wasn't going to make anything with it, she just collected things like that cause she likes them.

Yesturday and today I was down with Tummy flu. Not fun- my lower half of my interds feel horrible. So I'm just posting a short amount tonite.

Still is very warm, yuck lol Fur Rondy starts this weekend and alwasy get warm like this...wish they do Rondy in January its cold then!

I will be going out and taking lots of pictures so make sure you come and look at the pictures!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Chinook Winds

Anyone living in Alaska will tell you if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes and it will change. Well its true! Last nite the chinook winds (Alaska's verson of Californai Santa Ana Winds) Hot windy air blows up and down and all around. Today it was 40 degrees...so of course this makes for snow melting and then freezing into super little Ice Skating Rinks on you walkways and driveways. OMG the parking lots are dare devils delight!

These things make my Bells Palsey act up...because I just stress going out in it. In October 2006 I thought I had a stroke but it turn out to be Bells Palsey. Effects your facial muscles/nerves. I no longer can blink my eyes. So I have to remember to close them all the time, I also have to use a special eye drop to keep eyes moist. Luckily my eyes will remain close at night...I did have to tape the right one for a very long period. And my smile is now a little off center. It took over 4 months to get back muscle control for face. Its a very very scary thing to happen. Its caused by the Shingle virus and also mainly by the HERPES SIMPLEX 1; just abotu everyone has been exposed to this as a child and then like Shingles just hangs around til you are down or totally stress out. You can't give it to anyone, but I sure felt creepy for the months my face wasn't acting normal. The doctors say "get stress to a minimum" So this bring me back to what my big stressor is:

I don't like winter driving, I'm very safe and alert but some drivers just wiz thru a red light, drive at 60-90mph in a zone that because of the weather should be like 25.

Since I'm also on a medicine called Coumadin (which slows your clotting time - given to heart patients to help prevent strokes and damage from heart attacks and esp for those who have AFib like me) driving on less than Happy conditions (dry sunny days to me) I become a little less smiley face because if I do become involved in an Accident with damage to me I could be in a serious condition in a very short time. Yes I wear medical ID bracelet and all my infor is in my purse...I should also type it up and put in glove box so medical personnel can see it right away.

Seems someone in Alaska gets really tired of cold and snow and orders up these Chinook winds to warm them up (just joking we all know the weather can not be controlled like this LOL).

I made a bunch of cards the last few days and will be getting all dress up tomorrow and showing off my craft at several shops here in Anchorage. Wish me tons of luck!

Don't forget to check out all my sites!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Twiddle De and Twiddle dum

I must remember to blog! I feel like I run here & there to add an items to sell on all my sites:

http://www.AlaskaSews2.etsy.com my sewn items

http://www.TiffinsTidbits.etsy.com my cards (they are so cute and affordable)

http://www.CoveredinChocolate.etsy.com My baked goodies

And now my newest addition YES YES a new site for you to check out my crafting items I'm becoming a bit of a whore with all my products and selling of them LOL. Hey gotta get those items out there! Summer is coming and Anchorage Saturday Market will be taking up tons of my time!


Each of my babies (shoppe's) need lots of love and attention so I really need to select certain days of the week for each of my shoppes! Sitting at the computer for long periods of time is not good for my ole ticker nor my bum (omg its gettttttttingggggggg huge LOL)

Really would like feedback on my posts! Don't be afraid I don't bite - well I do, but you won't notice it!

And I promise more posts this week!

I also wonder anyone interested in reading my poems? I been a writer for ages and ages...got short stories also...been told over and over I should get published but never really persued this avenue but I could if I got enough folks begging me to.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Snow Snow and more Snow

Snowed all day! Its so pretty when it snows. Least it got rid of the bitter cold that we have had the last week or so.

Somehow we have to shovel our snow....sent the snowblower in for repairs and its never come back. Ummmmm wonder if they couldn't fit it...must ask about it again to the man in charge. With his bad back he shouldn't be doing the shoveling of snow.

My friend from Fairbanks is crazy to live up there in the winter time - I keep telling her and her hubby to move to Anchorage! But they are young and their children are also young so I guess thats whats keeping them warm. Oh to be young and in love again LOL LOL LOL LOL

I went to the library and got some books to inspire me for my handbags. I've sorta been in the dumps cause I love making them but seems always to be the same ole bag; if you know what I mean!

So I got a few ideas for some Prom, wedding, and just old fashion romance quilted bags I think you will love.

Have made a handful of cards. Send to bunch to my Aunt in NM and to my MOM both who say they love them...but maybe that just to make me create some more. Never can tell about family do they really tell the truth or just lie to make you happy!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Baking in the Snow

Well tonite I'm going to be whipping up a few of the most excellent excuses for getting FAT! I'm going to baking my famous "It's Not your Mothers Banana Bread" I sold this at the Anchorage Saturday Market and it sold out every weekend. Mine is special and has several things you don't put in yours but Since its a secret I can't tell you what that is! Then I be offering a cookie called "Russian Teacake", triple chocolate brownies (sold these at the Market also oh man couldn't keep in stock either) will be doing a Buttery Sugar Cookie on a stick dipped in chocolate, and another cookie which of course has two of my favorites: White Chocolate and Macadamia Nuts.

But as a person who has my permits and other necessary items for food ... you will be please to learn I'm selling several of my baked goods on etsy.

Check it out: http://www.CoveredinChocolate.etsy.com and see what Yummies are too tempting for you to resist!

As I said I cook and I'm really good but I'm totally awesome as a Baker!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Misssed a few days for blogging

I did not postlast few days because I wanted my valve message board to see my idea for my heart valve block for the quilt project. Well I should not of bothered...I was very disappointed in them. Only 3 dear people even responded to my post about the block and what I was doing now this group has over 1300 members and I would say a good 75 are active and posting all the time. Guess they don't know what an National/International project means LOL. Don't tell me they didn't understand what a Quilt is!!!

Anyhow its cold here! Fur Rondy comes the end of this month Yay for Febuary!!! A long time friend does Snow Carvings every year at the Rondy. Last two years they have won ribbons! Too cool. I plan on attending lots of the events this year and taking my camera just to show you Alaska has fun in the Winter too!

Then My dear Mom's turns 78 this month. Gotta make her something special! What do you give a Woman who is a Power Shopper? Has everything she could possibly want! This is going to require some deep thinking LOL(I laugh because deep thinking is not one of my strong points - - - No thats not true...when I attended college I made Dean's List each semester and belong to a national college 'brainy' group; bet a few of my friends will be surprised to hear this- it's something I don't talk or brag about - so now you know something NEW about me )

Back to Mom: I'm going to really have to go thru my stash to find the right fabric and right idea. She did mention that she like the one bag of mine that is the batik with the Trees, so maybe something using fabric such as that. She does love placemats; so maybe a set of those for her?