Monday, February 11, 2008

Snow Snow and more Snow

Snowed all day! Its so pretty when it snows. Least it got rid of the bitter cold that we have had the last week or so.

Somehow we have to shovel our snow....sent the snowblower in for repairs and its never come back. Ummmmm wonder if they couldn't fit it...must ask about it again to the man in charge. With his bad back he shouldn't be doing the shoveling of snow.

My friend from Fairbanks is crazy to live up there in the winter time - I keep telling her and her hubby to move to Anchorage! But they are young and their children are also young so I guess thats whats keeping them warm. Oh to be young and in love again LOL LOL LOL LOL

I went to the library and got some books to inspire me for my handbags. I've sorta been in the dumps cause I love making them but seems always to be the same ole bag; if you know what I mean!

So I got a few ideas for some Prom, wedding, and just old fashion romance quilted bags I think you will love.

Have made a handful of cards. Send to bunch to my Aunt in NM and to my MOM both who say they love them...but maybe that just to make me create some more. Never can tell about family do they really tell the truth or just lie to make you happy!

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