Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My craft room

As it was a rainy day Monday and today, I cleaned and organized my craft room. Moved around fabric, got the little things in groups such as premade handbag handles, ribbons for making cards, went thru my patterns from quilting and pulled out all the applique ones to destash and sell over at Etsy. Over the last 6 - 8 years I get these beautiful applique patterns and then they sit and sit and sit.

I really do not like applique quilts. Sad but totally true. I counted the patterns and had over 20. I tried two of them. The rest the seal isn't even broke. Hopefully I'll be able to recoup some of the money I paid for them. Most have been retired by the designer or company. They ranged in prices from$6.50 to $12.00. Not cheap. Looks like over $200.00 just in patterns. ACK thats LOL an illness.

As I'm not in mood for sewing bags or aprons...I think I'll work on some Holiday Items. I have lots of Halloween and Christmas fabrics I think I'll make up pillow cases. They are always a big hit!

My feet and legs have been cramping today...not sure if the weather change or if I need to go eat a bunch of bananas. My electro's might be off. Soooo Off to eat a banana. Maybe I'll heat one up and then dip in chocolate

1 comment:

Donna Gotlib said...

We were in the same treasury. Your bags are very nice.