Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friday and the lights are shining!

I decided I needed to get more exercise than walking. Been riding my bike all week again. I go thru the high school into a quiet neighborhood and ride down the streets. Some homes have flower gardens that make me weep they are so pretty!

Last night the mister tagged along to see where I go and how far I'm going. He is a die hard rider. He rides 14 to 20 miles every day. He is one of the first Winter bike riders here in Anchorage. LOL he started riding in the snow over 25 years ago and he was one of maybe three others. Now winter riders are seen all the time. Just like cars the bikers get snow tires with spikes on them to get traction in ice and snow.

I don't believe I will ever become a die hard...I like looking at things as a ride and stopping to smell flowers and watch dogs yawn.

But thanks to my sweetie's mile thingie its says my route is 4.25 miles and my average speed I ride at is 6.5 miles an hour. With top speed at this point in time 10.50 miles per hour. I feel thats pretty good for an old folk like me! Esp since I had major surgery just 5 1/2 weeks ago.

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