Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Alaska Women's Show was this weekend. I must admit it was one of the best that I've attended in the last 8 years.

There were more vendors selling items esp for women and more 'handcrafted' but as always; lots of stuff imported which some is fine and some is just junk.

But even the usual 'womens non-profits' booth where much more interesting this year, had better health information flyers and seemed very much geared to women who are looking for better health information, buying information, business information, just in general I found more appealing in quality of show.

Watched a fashion show. The woman made clothing from size 0 to 5x and most of the outfits that walked the fashion lane where for women size 10 and up. In fact I would say most outfits where size 14/16 with several in the 3x-5x size. And they were stunning! It was cool to see clothing with a lot of style for the big woman. Not everyone is small, medium or large. I grew up with several members of my mothers family in the XXXlarge and beyond group. They wore the classic mu-moo dresses. They looked like tents. As I said very refreshing to see a woman in the big sizes with outfits that made them look sexy and beautiful.

I thought maybe next year getting a booth for the 3 day affair and seeing just how my items would go.

I've been busy working on several Special Orders for Alaska Sews 2. All handbags but each is different that what I normally sew so its been learning experience and fun. Plus brought in a nice development of future sales.

Tomorrow off to watch a friend's child while they move from one apartment to a new one. This will be a learning experience for sure! Will post how I do. Plans are simple breakfast at IHOP, park to play, then library to get book to read and maybe a video to watch. Then lunch thinking McD's (ya I know they are bad for kids and esp for adults) Then should be nap time for them. Then maybe snack, park again to play, or read again. Then mom should call saying We all moved in bring him home. This is how I have it planned lol and we all know plans are just that plans.

Oh yes this child is two. Sooooooooo I'm sure I'll be pulling hair out by mid morning LOL!

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