Plus you can turn inside out and have TWO different purses! I also made it with a full flap cover that will help protect the pockets that are there. I put my cell phone there and glasses to show you all that the pockets are there LOL. Each side has the two pockets.
Today was a very hard day for me. I've learned a very very dear friend that I totally adore is now in her final stages of life. Hospice has been brought in to ease her days. Her hubby of 50 years is doing his best to cope. I feel their pain and brings back the final weeks of my own fathers life. You pray for the end to come soon and you pray that its a mistake and for them to jump up and say "April Fools" I'm not dying. Even with my background in Social Work specializing in working with Seniors Citizens and Death and Dying when its someone you know and love it still a shock to learn time for them is drawing to a close. The past few months I knew this was to be expected but just like anyone else I was unprepared when told. I could only cry and its still makes me cry to think this wonderful person has to go through this and how it feels so unfair.
All I can do right now is gather up my strength to still send this couple all my love and happy thoughts as they face a new stage in life's progress. Its so much harder for them and their family. I can step away and not think about it...they are living through each moment.
I also got to go to the Providence Imaging Center today. My yearly Mammogram. Nothing like getting both sides squished and smashed. Two years ago I had to have a biopsy done. So now I also carry inside my left breast a little metal marker showing "this was the spot we removed some cells and we must watch it every year" I won't say what it feels like because it truly is personal for each person. I was scared, it hurt, and the relief when told benign to this day instills a panic in me when the Tech pushes the buttons to take the picture of that breast.
I bet I'm fun to watch when I go through an airport screening stall. Pacemaker, breast marker LOL and breast bone rib cage wired from my Open Heart Surgery - they must go WOW that's a lot of metal in that gal!
Just to let you know Yes I have set off the Walmart anti-theft screening stall. Now I walk very fast through it so I don't set it off!
Wow Easter is this weekend. May God bless you all if you believe. And for those who don't may you receive Tons of Chocolate Bunnies! Some days I do and most days I don't. I think each of us have the ability to be the power desired for a higher form. I don't believe there is just one who we answer to... but I'm not going to talk about all this tonite. Its for another day of posting!
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