Friday, March 28, 2008

It's Friday

The sun has been shiny last few days! Makes you feel full of love ! Spring is coming...snow is melting the ground in my yard is showing through!

As my health goes down the toilet...Spring is a welcomed friend!

Tonight I'm making a dish I love to one pot meals...throw in several things I like to eat, is healthy to eat, and goes good together seperately so Why not in one pot? Plus its a time saver! LOL

Chicken breasts, yams, green beans, bussel sprouts, and onions and sweet peppers. I also added about 1/4 Volka. LOL don't worry it cooks down and leaves a mild favor.

Had to also buy a new mouse! The other one the poor little ball was all worn down. A ballless mouse is a sad thing to see New mouse has no ball. And works like a Charm!

Okay off to enjoy more of the sunshine! Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Consignment for your Crafts

My cards will be in Portland, Or! Yes...a shop is taking a bunch for consignment. I just mailed off about 30 cards. So keep your fingers crossed her shop which opens March 31 is a total success and my cards are a smashed hit!

I did consignment with my fleece blankets and small items and those sold very well. But unfortunately the Alaska shop that carried them in Homer closed. :-( In fact they didn't even return the last 10 blankets they had taken on consignment...thats the part of during business on consignment is the tricky can lose your items and not receive payment for them either. Not much you can truly do because the cost of hiring lawyers is more costly than the $200 to $300 in product lost. I ate my lost on the blankets, and was a bit weary for the last two years on trying consignment again.

I've notice in the last few years at Anchorage's Saturday Market that fleece has become a slow seller. This year I have about 15 - 20 blankets made up and will see how they sell. I love doing easy and my finished design is so nice. Plus they are an inexpensive gift for tourist! Of course most of the fleece is very Alaska theme...what else!

I have also been bidding on Etsy to do 'special orders' for folks wanting a product made for them. So far I've seen more thank you but we selected someone else. I have one person still deciding on what color she wants her item and size made so that will be finalized by weekend and I then can say YAY one bid won! And there are several still out accepting bids so....

I could get very discouraged and for maybe 5 minutes I'm down in the dumps for someone not accepting my bid but then I go 'Ohhhh thank goodness I don't have to drive myself crazy to make that!' Thick skin helps also

Ohhhhhhhh I brought a bunch of wonderful fabric! Going to be making Messenger bags, laptop bags, and some totally awesome placemats!

Visit my AlaskaSews2 shop in the next week to see the new additions!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Acts of Kindness

Each of us should do an 'Act of Kindness' daily in our lives. I have been brought to tears by someone's thank you for a simple thing I've done to brighten a life.

During the winter we buy extra gloves and hats to hand out to homeless or just someone who is walking along who looks cold and needs a bit of warming. My dear SO rides his bike and is the main one to go out and give these items to those who need them. This year we also got Fleece scarves to add to the "warm you up items". He also hands out an item called HANDWARMERS
these are little packets that once exposed to air heat up and last from 7 to 10 hours in your gloves and they also have ones for feet. If your a winter sports nut or hunter you most likely know about these! They might be adding time to live for the folks who he has given the warmers to. Neither of us care that the person drinks, drugs, are homeless, or just dang poor but they need a person just to say "I'm concerned that you need a bit of warmth and here you go for at least today."

I also will bake something for someone who needs cheering up. It makes them feel good and honestly I just melt with the joy I feel when I see their eyes light up that they are getting something special just for them.

Anyhow may you all do a 'Act of Kindness' just because you can.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Horse Handbag is Made!

Finally I finished the Horse and Square Block fabric handbag! The colors I love!

Plus you can turn inside out and have TWO different purses! I also made it with a full flap cover that will help protect the pockets that are there. I put my cell phone there and glasses to show you all that the pockets are there LOL. Each side has the two pockets.

Today was a very hard day for me. I've learned a very very dear friend that I totally adore is now in her final stages of life. Hospice has been brought in to ease her days. Her hubby of 50 years is doing his best to cope. I feel their pain and brings back the final weeks of my own fathers life. You pray for the end to come soon and you pray that its a mistake and for them to jump up and say "April Fools" I'm not dying. Even with my background in Social Work specializing in working with Seniors Citizens and Death and Dying when its someone you know and love it still a shock to learn time for them is drawing to a close. The past few months I knew this was to be expected but just like anyone else I was unprepared when told. I could only cry and its still makes me cry to think this wonderful person has to go through this and how it feels so unfair.

All I can do right now is gather up my strength to still send this couple all my love and happy thoughts as they face a new stage in life's progress. Its so much harder for them and their family. I can step away and not think about it...they are living through each moment.

I also got to go to the Providence Imaging Center today. My yearly Mammogram. Nothing like getting both sides squished and smashed. Two years ago I had to have a biopsy done. So now I also carry inside my left breast a little metal marker showing "this was the spot we removed some cells and we must watch it every year" I won't say what it feels like because it truly is personal for each person. I was scared, it hurt, and the relief when told benign to this day instills a panic in me when the Tech pushes the buttons to take the picture of that breast.

I bet I'm fun to watch when I go through an airport screening stall. Pacemaker, breast marker LOL and breast bone rib cage wired from my Open Heart Surgery - they must go WOW that's a lot of metal in that gal!

Just to let you know Yes I have set off the Walmart anti-theft screening stall. Now I walk very fast through it so I don't set it off!

Wow Easter is this weekend. May God bless you all if you believe. And for those who don't may you receive Tons of Chocolate Bunnies! Some days I do and most days I don't. I think each of us have the ability to be the power desired for a higher form. I don't believe there is just one who we answer to... but I'm not going to talk about all this tonite. Its for another day of posting!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Has been a busy weekend for me! Tested out new recipes for my bake shoppe, made some awesome 'Steampunk' cards (more on this in a moment it rocks!), went to the Anchorage Home Show - saw too many items I want done to house! And then I also cleaned up my work space LOL!

If you haven't been to a Home Improvement Show they can be a bit overwhelming - They want your dollars to fix up your home in way you can't believe.

My first stop was: some awesome siding but the guy was like "well it's this and this and this" wouldn't really go into detail of what Item is made, process of them putting it up and if I wanted this or that it's extra but wouldn't say prices. Sorta made me mad I paid $8.00 to get into this home show I am looking to buy. Well this company won't be getting my business because of that employee's lack of wanting to discuss the product to a woman. Don't these folks get it? Most decisions about home improvements are made by WOMEN? ANd I've done construction work it's not like I'm a dumb dame!

Fell in love with some cork flooring at another space and this guy was helfpful, answered my questions; told me to go over to their brick & mortar store to check out more options since the booth is limited to how much they can lug in to show, and was totally into helping the customer! They got my business. They also have bamboo wood flooring which I also want. So After leaving show I did stop at the b&m store and found some tile for my kitchen - now I know sometimes I have taste way beyond my means and this time it was a whopper LOL the tile was $127.00 per 9" x 13" block. LOL I would have to sell my soul for a 10feet area I wanted tiled. This would cost $1,300.00--- Oh ya come to momma!

Yes I did look at other tile and found something in the $30.00 range for a 12"x12" block. Which for what I want to do I could cut into 6"x12" and spend only about $150.00 total.

Now on the Steampunk! This is something I can really sink my teeth into!

Here is my version:

Steampunk was influenced by, and often adopts the style of the scientific romances of the 19th century, by Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Mark Twain, and Mary Shelley. Steampunk focuses more intently on real, theoretical or cinematic Victorian-era technology, including steam engines, clockwork devices, and difference engines. While much of steampunk is set in Victorian-era settings, the genre has expanded into medieval settings and often delves into the realms of horror and fantasy. Various secret societies and conspiracy theories are often featured, and some steampunk includes significant fantasy elements. There are frequently Lovecraftian, occult and Gothic horror influences as well. ****Wiki

Anyhow if you haven't heard about this genre Its fun! I'm enjoying it! I've always thought I belonged in Jules Vern time! And how could you not love Mary shelley!

Over at Etsy just put in the search "steampunk" and all kinds of wonderful items will be there for your buying!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Neighbors who do construction work without permits

We live in a nice west side very desireable area of Anchorage. My neighbor is a two story duplex. The place is really pretty but they have been doing additions to place without any 'city construction permits' . Any work done to a home esp on outside MUST have a city work permit, this permit MUST be posted in a area seen from the street. So that inspectors know you have it and that city approved your plans and inspect the work.

I like my neighbor but I am tired of them pulling this Non comfirming of permits for their construction work.

I feel as if I should call the city and say "hey they are doing this this and this without permits WHAT gives? How come they can get away with this crap?

I'm normally not bitchy but I've done construction work and Had to have those permits on any job I've been done and been at...Yes its a hassle but its the law.

Vote should I turn them in or just walk away and say "they will get theirs down the road?"

Plus Anchorage has a zone law No closer than 4 feet from your property to mine shall have any part of the construction into that area... well they have built stairs from one level to ground that is clearly imposing into another yard....

Okay I'm just going to grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr now LOL!

Stay tune!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well we had several days of false hope of spring LOL! Snow was melting away like crazy, roads where free of ice, had paddles of water lining low areas in parking lots and the sun was beautiful!

Well It snowed about 2 to 3 inches last nite. I love fresh snow...makes the world look so bright and beautiful! A winter wonderland when you first see it!

Just tells you Never think its spring Until you see the green on trees and flowers blooming lol!

Oh I think several of you are wondering who is the RavensTrinkets (over on the left side) LOL thats ME ya ME on my site! Its a Europe based 'handcrafted' site. No fee's until item sells and then sold fee is very reasonable. Sells mainly to Germans, French and English. Everything is sold in Euro's so I'm learning about that market for money. But I'm going to be listing all my crafts there! From cards, to sewing, to jewelry. That way all my crafts are covered LOL.

One more craft and I could go to the looney bin! Thank goodness some crafts just do not appeal to me LOL!

I'm so visual and also I love the sense of touch, love love touching things! Textures of nature and man made things just tickle my need for the pleasure of touch! I always said if I owned a museum that everyone would be allowed to TOUCH the items. Well they would have to wash hands first ... and then throughout the tour LOL... guess I would have those 'sani' stands at every entrance to a room.

On a side note: I made another yummy dish last nite! It was a take off of a vegatarians soup...Kale with potatoes and onions, I added diced stewed tomatoes & slice chicken to add body.... omg it was super! Kale is a green that is cock full of yummy flavor! Its sorta like a spinache when cooked but the flavor is ten times better! Its great in soups! Anyhow all the colors: red, whites, green made the dish exciting to look at and eat!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring breakup is it here?

Was blogspot down yesterday? I could not sign on again all kinds of error messages...this is one thing that drives me nuts - when you can not get to a site that you want. Had a heck of a time again this morning but at less was at the main page just would not let me sign in grrrrrrrrrr.

Very warm again here in Anchorage...low 40's and the snow is just puddles of water all over town. At this time of year it gets mixed with runoff with dirt and YUCKY looks nasty....sides of roads will have piles of snow but covered in black yuck. Looks like the end of the world has hit. We call this "Breakup" lasts for a month or so then gets back to healthy looking again...then the city of Anchorage gets busy sending out the big huge street cleaner trucks. They swept up all the dirt and grit they used on the roads during the winter and the city is then dusty as heck for a few weeks and then The city transforms into this beautiful city again.

Through out town there are gardens at corners, along long roads and each 8 square block of downtown has planters hanging full of flowers of any kind.

I'm so ready for spring and summer this year. Been a winter I could do without. And last summer was overcast also so We are really do for a sunny summer!!!!

Today I must enter cards I've made into my inventory & bookkeeping system ... that way I can keep track of what is sold vs cost and all that other stuff.

I love making my cards, I just sit and vision what I would buy and then make them. Have several really cute (at least I think so and so does the person I live with) series made up. Have ones with butterflies, ones of modern theme, a pack of what I call "just life" and several other kinds! Wish I could list them all but yipes that would cost a small fortune LOL.

I really need to get back to my sewing...I've let the card making take over and my big ticket items are the ones that sell during the summer! So off to sew, glue, cut and twist with all my crafts!

Oh do you want to see pics of jewelry I've done also? Simple but elegant is my line! I wear my pieces every now and then just to show them off. I have this one necklace that I'm very fond of.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cooking for the weekend!

Yes today I'm trying out a few new recipes! I love to cook! Nothing is more fun than to get a bunch of different fresh items and throw them together to see how they taste.

Tonite I'm making a Yam, cabbage soup. Sounds weird doesn't it but omg I just tasted it and its sooooooo awesome tasting! Its perfect!!!!! Can't wait til dinner! a Chopped peeled yam, cole slaw mix (this has silvers of carrots which I love, and green/red cabbage) a bunch of sliced up green onions, some of my yummy spices, red sweet peppers and simmer away for a few hours (can't tell how to do it all otherwise you might steal my recipe! Yup I'm going to enter this one in a food contest ITS a WINNER for sure!!)

Also made a salad with fresh pearl size mozzella cheese, black olives, green olives stuffed with garlic, basil chopped up and tomatoes chopped up then dash of Pear Vinegar and Light EVO and some spices too. This was good but I've done better LOL but still super tasty!

Omg I could weight a ton - I love food! Thank goodness God saw that I needed to be thin so I could try out all kinds of foods!

Now having a soft food and liquid diet for basically 3 weeks I did shed over 10 pounds! and I just lost another 3 this week. So mostly that is not eating MEAT. I've never been much of a beef fan anyhow but do live with a person who likes it and so we were eating it at least 2 - 3 times a week...but I've gone back to my chicken and fish and I'm feeling better and I could eat veggies non stop daily. Plus I've had to add more Fiber in the grains and fruits area sooooooo we added those items daily and its a great days worth of food for me! I'm feeling so much more alert and healthly again!

As soon as I get to my mid 40's weight I'll be dancing like crazy!! With the heart meds I take esp the beta blocker it does not help your fact you can gain a bunch while on them :-(

In a way having to visit the hospital for lower inside problems again got me back in track with my diet! Sort of a blessing LOL!

My dream is to teach cooking! This is my biggest passion!

If you live in the Anchorage area and want cooking lessons EMAIL ME!!! All my websites have my emails listed so, Or you could leave a comment here about your wishes! I do groups or private! I also can do cartering for you!!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday is Trash Day

On Tuesdays our trash is picked up...usually we have one to two trash bags. This is one of the few jobs here at home that is left to the 'man' to do! Although there have been many times I've gone running out to the curb with the bags because someone forgot it was Trash Day.

They are offering for a trial period in our neighborhood to give those who want trash containers to be broken down by recycle-ables. Great thing to do but I'm not disciplined enough so I don't think I would here, paper here, and others here. Most of our trash is paper, food waste, and once a week plastic gallon milk carton. Maybe I'll do better with a compost garden! Our summer's are awesome for gardens if its a sunny summer but last summer was rainy and just more clouds if it wasn't raining. I think we got maybe 10 sunny days here in Anchorage all summer. But I think I'll give composting a try this year cause I love playing in the dirt and seeing my flowers grow!

I would love to be totally green! We recycle other items in our home (except trash but truely 2 people don't make for lots of trash) and thinkrecycling really would help worldwide!

You must visit my shops! New cards listed at and

I am feeling much better after my visit to hospital and had my followup visit yesturday and she said I'm doing good and could now go back to normal diet. Yay! I can have my veggies and salads back now! Love my doctors! They are young and newly trained and are so "with it" for new advance ways of medical ideals and etc.!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dial Up Sucks

I've tried every nite this week to blog but when I try signing in I get this message : page not available. Grrrrrrrrr drives me crazy. Plus it takes 5 minutes for this to finally appear also.

My puter is old yep I have a 2000 model. And dial up is what we hav here. Its all we can afford :-(

Wish I had a rich sugar daddy! Heck I'll even take a rich sugar mommie LOL!

I did see a Acer laptop puter at Walmart (ya groan and groan again) for only $398 I was like WOW thats a great price. Looked to have everything I could need and then more! Just don't know is Acer puters are any good? If you had any experience with them let me know! Then they also had some models from $598 to $798 HP and Toshia's which I do know about them.

The offical start of the world famous Iditarod Dog Sled Race was yesturday! Crazy folks who would not catch me chasing a sled pulled by dogs a 1,000 miles through Alaska wildness...I'm afraid of the dark toooooooo many boggey men out there! And you are totally alone if something happens...wolves, caribou and moose can cause accidents way to easily.

My all time favorite musher who I also got to meet in person: Susan Butcher! Susan passed away in 2006 from cancer. Last nite they announced that from this day forward "March 1 is known as Susan Butcher Day" kinda cool and keeps her memory alive. She was a very kind, quiet lady who loved her dogs, and was one of the first women to go out and kick mens hindys in this race! I admired Susan hugely and think of her often...esp when I go thru some old things and find the scarf she signed for me and my dog at the time Denali...a red mackenzie Siberian Husky. Denali was a wild crazy dumb dog. We called him our 'dumb blonde' NO affence meant to anyone Please!! But this dog thought nothing of chewing on logs for fun, table legs, or wooden stairs. He also thought he should be able to jump over the fence while chained...of course this wasn't a very bright thing to do! He was drop dead beautiful but his brain was a tad on the low side! I miss him but also don't miss the things he did. You also could not leave the door open for any amount of time cause quicker than lightning he be out and running. He loved to run! Hope he is on Susan's team now!

You must go over to my shop! I just listed new cards that are sooooo pretty!

Anyhow pictures coming tomorrow if I can get log in again!