Okay here are the two blocks
first one is "Saving a Life - 50 Years of Valve Replacement Surgeries" and the second one is called "Women's Votes Count" Both are triumphs to me.
In one election here in Anchorage a few years ago only 3 votes separated the candidates. Wow it was really close and one of those 3 votes where mine I like to think. I was also the last generation of women voters who had to be 21 to vote, that year it was changed to 18.
Woman outnumber the men worldwide but in many countries women are in danger when they vote, or not allowed to vote. Women need to support each other and voting helps them as well ourselves.
Then in November of 2005 I had open heart surgery. I got a new mitral valve, a repair on my triscupid valve, had a maze proceedure (this is so heart electrical paths stop heart from beating in the upper hundreds which is called AFib - what they do is go in and slice up you heart in crisscross marks so that the electric path hits roadblocks...a easy version of what is really done) and I also then got to be the proud owner of a mechical device my CRT-pacemaker (I still don't like it but I know 'pacerracerdacer' is for my own good. Women need to know our hearts are important and that its very important to always have health checks and take care ourself! Our illnesses are different from mens and at times Doctors don't listen to us. So make sure Yours is listening!
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