Today it started with clouds and more clouds. As the day is ending its raining. Smells so good when it rains! But I'm getting ahead of myself ---
It was my final visit with the OB for my surgery. 6 weeks post-op!
Yay I got the release I can do anything I want now, everything looked good inside and out. I healed very nicely the doctor thought! My surgery scar looks very nice I do admit! Nothing like bikini cuts for those who have surgery in the tummy region.
Although Fathom pain is something I'm experiencing. My nerves at the surgery site seem to think that a problem is there so they sent my brain a message 'warning warning pain on the right side warning pain pain pain'. So was told to place Ice until area is chilled pretty good, then massage that spot. It will relax the nerves and help to decrease the fake pain messages. Otherwise he said that scar tissue could develop there and the fake pain messages become a lasting effect AND we don't want that. Since its also where the tumor was its just also very sensitive area.
For anyone in the Anchorage area needing a great OB-
Gyn I highly recommend:
Dr. O. Bell is a super wonderful OB-
Gyn doctor. And his staff are really friendly! I had mentioned to him before my surgery "What if I decide not to do this surgery?" Facing slicing and dicing was making me a tad nervous...His reply was "I would have to worry about you and I don't like worrying about folks that need to have surgery". His kindness and gentle words of course helped me get the surgery, remove the tumor (which was Not ovarian cancer another
YAYAYAYAY), and is making me healthy once again.
To celebrate I got the cutest fabric at the quilt shop...either a new handbag or two aprons! Will decide tomorrow.